Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Exodus out of sin...

..isn't as easy as it sounds.

I love how the Message Bible puts things into perspective with it's eloquent selection of words, especially in Exodus 14:14. "God will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!" I am assuming that Moses was fed up with his people by this point due to their wee little faith and their massive complaining.

I learned a long time ago that complaining is a sin. When I complain about my current situation and fill the air with negative words about my situation, it basically comes across as me not being satisfied where God has placed me. I am here for a reason, I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

I had the opportunity to share my circumstances with a friend of mine and she understood where I was coming from and gave me a slew of verses. Exodus 14:14 was the first one I came to. I was like, "whoa, God is telling me to shut up and deal with it!"

It's confession time. I am having a hard time dealing with sin in my life right now. There is a stirring within me and it is not pretty. Because of my unsatisfaction and  impatience with where I am, the roots of my sin are acting up and causing the branches to sway in personally destructive ways. I find myself reflecting on the prophets and kings of old, "how long must I wait, Lord?" And His answer could be, "as long as it takes, Jason."

One would think that I would be taking advantage of this time of waiting by actively seeking ways to battle the sin within. But am I, certainly not. So that brings on a new set of questions to ponder. And with those same pondering thoughts come excuses. More often than not an excuse is used to justify sin. My mind can come up with a thousand excuses as to why I do what I do or why others do what they do. The best one yet is my theory that sin is genetic. That when sin came into the world, it affected everyone on the genetic level and that is why there are so many problems in the world.

Well there are problems in the world because rather than stand my ground and draw a line in the sand, I cross that line with hands in the air and make an excuse for my temporary fun. Then the regret sets in, repentance needs to happen, and I am back at ground zero wondering where my underwear is and why there is this strange mark on my neck...just kidding, about the underwear that is.

And there is God, shouting at me, saying, "Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything." Psalm 46:10. Psalm 46 as a whole is a great place to look for encouragement during times of stress. The traffic, at least how I translate it here, is a metaphor for the comings and goings of life. I get so caught up in the here and now that I seldom take the time necessary to contemplate the never-changing and fearless One who is responsible for my very being on this earth. He doesn't want me to suffer alone, yet He does allow suffering. He doesn't want me to go through these trials alone, yet He does allow them to come. Do you see a pattern here? The word, "alone." Suffering and trials cause me to grow and develop, so naturally I HAVE to go through them.

Today is a new day. Some parts of it may suck. Some parts of it may be boring. But rather than put a negative spin on it and curse it with my words and attitude, why not go into today with a positive outlook and eager expectation. Today is a new day, full of new adventures and opportunities, to not only serve God but to live a life worth living and experiencing.

I leave you with Psalm 103. Read it for yourself and see what you get out of it.

1 comment:

  1. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you" James 1:2-5
