Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mr. Fix-It

I am the type of person that when I see a problem, I always want to fix it. It could be that whole male-chromosome but it could also have something to do with my personality. The problems that I really hate are those that I can't fix. And the worst subsection of this category of problems are PEOPLE.

"The only person you can change is yourself." Truer words were never spoken. This quote causes one to take a different approach to handling life's difficulties. It requires us to look at a problem from a different angle. To take an outside view of the situation to have a better handle on it. And through experience I have come to realize that there are people in the world that I just can't fix, no matter how much I want to.

My aunt tells me I have too much time on my hands and I need an occasion to rise to. And since my brain has a lack of things to focus on, I tend to dwell on those issues around me that stand out the most. Unfortunately for me, I have narrowed my vision towards an impossible endeavor. So rather than focus on my own faults, I have decided to take on the immediate world's plethora of impossible tasks. So my grandmother's little saying comes into play, "The faults in others I can see, Praise the Lord there's none in me!"

Well I do have my faults. When I see a problem that I want to tackle, I am like a junkyard dog. I gnaw and bite at that bone till I break it in half. But when that bone is made of stainless steel, there comes a time when I gotta let go. To use another metaphor, it's like pissin against the wind, yer gonna get wet and messy.

I am trying to think of someone in the Bible that was bull-headed like me. Someone who was out to change the world but just couldn't quite get across his/her message. And while it is different from my current predicament, I would say that nearly every disciple/missionary in the Bible fits the bill. But the advice that was given to them on how to handle the roadblocks was thus, "dust off your sandals and move along." There will be problems that we face that we can't solve. There will be people placed in our lives that no matter how much we want to change them, they just won't budge. And it is how we handle these people or situations that will make all the difference in the world.

Will we get discouraged and mad and keep butting our head up against the stone wall, or will we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move on? The choice is ultimately up to us because truly, "the only person you can change is yourself." Learn from your mistakes, love the people that cause you the most headaches, and when it gets really tough; drink a jigger of tequila. And above all, PRAY!!

I keep telling my aunt, if Jesus was Mexican He would have changed water into tequila. Seriously though, God allows us to face problems that we can't face without Him. We learn from these situations, not necessarily from the solving of these dilemmas but how we handle the outcome. And sometimes the whole point of the obstacle was to develop character. So I can honestly say that through failure and obstruction I have become a better person and gained extremely valuable life experience. This experience will enable me to face tougher instances and come out a lot better on the other side.

We are supposed to praise God in times of difficulty. So I invite you the next time you face a problem to raise your glass and Praise the Lord. And if you happen to be a Southern Baptist, just go ahead and put some Coke Zero in your wine glass. Love ya.


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